Complete Gut Relief with Your Flora® Probiotic Professional

Complete Gut Relief with Your Flora® Probiotic Professional

Reviewed by Irene Pauline Humpelstetter, CNP

Crohn’s disease and Colitis are a type of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), which may affect any part of the gastrointestinal tract. They are now the most common chronic inflammatory diseases worldwide after rheumatoid arthritis. Symptoms include abdominal pain, bloating, fever, anorexia, and frequent bloody diarrhea. No treatment has been shown to be successful at curing IBD to date and both colitis and Crohn’s disease increase the risk of developing colon cancer.

Canada has one of the highest rates of IBD in the world with 270,000 people living with the disease and the number is expected to rise to an astonishing 400,000 people by 2030. (1)

In the last ten years, scientists and researchers have studied IBD and the digestive environment. A common problem in modern society is the increased intake of processed foods which puts stress on our gut environment. This causes imbalances in the gut flora and can lead to other illnesses. Increasing fermented foods into your diet is one way to prime the environment and to provide the microbes needed to create a healthy digestive ecosystem.

Research has shown that fermented, certified organic, Non-GMO soymilk has many amazing benefits for your body as it is also a great source of nutrition for supporting the gut flora. Fermented soy is also rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds that help regulate the overall immune system. A recent study has highlighted the benefits of fermented, certified organic, Non-GMO soy versus unfermented soy for those with Crohn’s and Colitis. The people in the study who consumed fermented soy supplements showed distinct signs of improvement and the approximate majority showed remission after six months over those who did not take the fermented supplement. In fact, a colonoscopy on those who consumed fermented soy supplements showed healthy intestinal mucosa where previously they had been ulcerated and damaged. (2)

More research from around the world is now identifying fermented, certified organic, Non-GMO soy as a promising area of health in supporting long-term chronic diseases. Fermented soy helps to support healthy tissues, modulates the immune system, offers a rich source of nutrients to protect and defend the body, and supports a healthy microbiome with a good balance of flora to optimize digestive health. Clean fermented food supplements create and support a gut ecosystem that is rich in life and evolves in harmony with us.

Now introducing Your Flora® Professional our Living Culture Symbiotic which is the perfection of years of research and development utilizing our unique 35 strain Kefir-kombucha fermentation process. It is a whole food symbiotic, including probiotics, prebiotics, and enzymes. 

The result is the creation of the most effective combination of micro-organisms and nutrition to create a living ecosystem of life within its natural habitat. Your Flora® PROFESSIONAL helps support intestinal and gastrointestinal health and promotes a favorable gut flora. Unlike conventional probiotics, it is so much more than a capsule of bacteria with only a select number of strains. It includes a rich source of nutrients, an ideal ratio of amino acids, and a wide range of phytonutrients. It is the perfect fermented food for creating a balance of beneficial microbes, which have a proven 80% survival rate, and building a powerful digestive ecosystem.

If you are interested in learning more and trying Living Alchemy’s Your Flora Probiotic Professional, click here. You can also email us directly at with any questions. All our products are certified organic, non-GMO, and vegan friendly.



1. Crohns and Colitis Canada. Impact of IBD in Canada Report. Accessed 04, September 2019.

2. Living Alchemy. Symbiotics for Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Accessed 15, August 2019.

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